Research Publications |
✦ Madhusekhar Yadla, Maram Ashok, Suman Tenali, S.Ravichand, Muruganantham Ponnusamy, “Performance Analysis of Forecasting Price Prediction of Crypto-Currency using Deep Learning algorithm” in European Chemical Bulletin, Scopus Indexed ISSN 2063-5346, Volume -12, issue -8 (2023) https://doi:10.48047/ecb/2023.12.8.206.
✦ Seetharam K, Sendhilkumar, S Gopalakrishnan, S Ravi Chand and Yousef Farhaoui, “An Intelligent Heuristic Manta-Ray Foraging Optimization and Adaptive Extreme Learning Machine for Hand Gesture Image Recognition”, published in Big Data Mining And Analytics, ISSN 2096-0654 06/10 pp321 –335 Volume 6, Number 3, September 2023 Scopus indexed https://DOI:10.26599/BDMA.2022.9020036 .
✦ Rajasekhar Turaka, S. Ravi Chand, R. Arun Prasath, S.Ramani, S.Gopala krishnan, Yousef Farhaoui. “A novel approach for design energy efficient inexact reverse carry select adders for IoT applications” in Results in Engineering (SCIE) Volume 18, June 2023, 101127
✦ Kali vara prasad, B, S.Ravi Chand, S. Koteswari, Sai Anurag, K, Palanivel Rajan, K, “Design and Modelling of Tunnel Field Effect Transistor- using TCAD Modeling” in International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication (IJRITCC) Scopus Indexed, 2023, 11(4), pp. 224–231
✦ R. Gomathi, S. Gopalakrishnan, S. Ravi Chand, S. Selvakumaran, Kalivaraprasad, “Design and Speed Analysis of Low Power Single and Double Edge Triggered Flip Flop with Pulse Signal Feed-Through Scheme”, Published in International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Research (IJEER) Scopus indexed Volume 10, Issue 4, December 2022, e-ISSN : 2347-470X, Page(s) : 1107-1114, DOI:
✦ Srinivasa Rao, S., Keshava Reddy, K.C., S Ravi Chand, “A Novel Optimization based Energy Efficient and Secured Routing Scheme using SRFIS-CWOSRR for Wireless Sensor Networks” in International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Research (IJEER) Scopus Indexed, 2022, 10(3), pp. 644–650, DOI:
✦ S. Ravi Chand, B. Kalivaraprasad, LVS Narayana, S. Sree Hari Raju, K. Rama Lakshmi and A. Pramod Kumar, “Security and Privacy concerns of Mobile Cloud Computing”, The ICSVCE-2022: International Conference on Advances in Signal Processing, VLSI, Communications and Embedded Systems Scopus indexed held at Vardhaman College of Engineering, Hyderabad, on 29th & 30th July , 2022
✦ A Pramod Kumar, B. KV Prasad, M. V. D. Prasad, A. Jayalakshmi, and S. Ravi Chand, Chapter title , “A Novel Voltage Level-Up Shifter Design for Power Efficient Methods Using Dual Current Mirror Technique”, in the Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Machine Learning, Advances in Computing, Renewable Energy and
Communication in Springer Link Scopus indexed, 2022, pp 689–700
✦ B. Kali vara prasad, Ch. Raju Kumar Singh, S. Ravi Chand & A. Pramod Kumar, “An Area and Delay-Efficient Approximate Hybrid Adder for VLSI Circuit Designs”, Part of the Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering book series Scopus indexed (LNEE, volume 915) 18 September 2022, pp 31–37,
✦ Dr.S.M Periannasamy, S.Ravi Chand, G. Sasi, “Design of a Powerful Brightness Measurement and Exposure Control Method for Real-Time Video Recording”, in Journal of Microelectronics & Solid state devices, Volume 9 issue 1, 2022, ISSN: 2455-3336
✦ Dr.S.M Periannasamy, Dr. S. Ravi Chand, G. Sasi, “Classification of Images Using Support Vector Machine (SVM) Approach”, Journal of Instrumentation technology and Innovations, Volume 12 issue 1 , 2022, ISSN: 2249–4731
✦ A Pramod Kumar, B. KV Prasad, M. V. D. Prasad, A. Jayalakshmi, and S. Ravi Chand, a paper titled , “A Novel Voltage Level-Up Shifter Design for Power Efficient Methods Using Dual Current Mirror Technique”, in the Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Machine Learning, Advances in Computing, Renewable Energy and Communication MARC 2022 Scopus indexed
✦ M Periannasamy S, Chitra Thangavel, S, Ravi Chand S and Gopalakrishnan S “Analysis of Artificial Intelligence Enabled Intelligent Sixth Generation (6G) Wireless Communication Networks”, IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Information System (ICDSIS-2022) Scopus indexed in association with IEEE Bangalore Section, IEEE Information Theory Society, and IEEE Computer Society Bangalore Chapter during 29-30 July 2022 at Malnad College of Engineering, Hassan, Karnataka.
✦ N.C.Sendhil Kumar, A Srinivas, N.Selva ganesh, C.Senthil, S.Ravi Chand, “An Empirical Model for the Investigation of Effective Intrusion Detection Systems by Using K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) and Fuzzy (Fuzzy KNN) Algorithms in Mobile Ad-Hoc Network (MANET)" Turkish Online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry (TOJQI)Volume 12, Issue 10, October2021: 1569-1578.
✦ Rajasekhar Turaka, S. Ravi Chand, T Venkata Rao, Kumara Swamy.V, “FPGA Implementation of Radix-2 Pipelined FFT Algorithm for High Throughput Applications”, in the Third International Conference on Advances in Electrical and Computer Technologies 2021 (ICAECT 2021) Scopus indexed held at Hotel Aloft, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India during 29 - 30, October 2021
✦ S. Ravi chand, Rajasekhar Turaka, C.V. Krishna Reddy, “Study on the Implementation of FPGA for Efficient Vedic Multiplier” in AICTE Sponsored 5th National Conference on Knowledge Based Inventive Electronics & Telecommunication Systems held between 25 – 27 August 2021 at KKR & KSR Institute of Technology and Sciences, Guntur. ISBN: 978- 81-951436-2-7, page no.52-54.
✦ Rajasekhar Turaka, S. Ravi chand, C.V. Krishna Reddy, “Data Security using Cryptography and Steganography Techniques” in AICTE Sponsored 5th National Conference on Knowledge Based Inventive Electronics & Telecommunication Systems held between 25 – 27 August 2021 at KKR & KSR Institute of Technology and Sciences, Guntur ISBN: 978-81-951436-2-7, page no.52-54.
✦ S.Ravichand, S.Balaji K.Naresh R.Shanmukharao, P.Krishna, “RTL Design Quality Checks for Soft IPs”, published in Journal of Engineering Science (J E S), ISSN:0377- 9254, Volume 11, Issue 2 Feb-„20, UGC approved group 'II' multidisciplinary journal.
✦ S.Ravichand, S.Balaji K.Naresh R.Shanmukharao, P.Krishna, “Register Transfer Logic Design Quality Checks for Soft Intellectual Property”, published in International Journal
of Research and Analytical Reviews –IJRAR, , E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138, a Scopus journal, Volume 7, Issue 1, pg.364-369, Feb 2020
✦ S.Ravi chand, M. Sasamka Devika, G. Akhila, “Enhanced Safety System Vessels by Using Arduino” published in International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering & Technology-IJISET, Vol. 7 Issue 2, February 2020 ISSN (Online) 2348 – 7968 | Impact Factor (2019) – 6.248, Scopus journal
✦ S.Ravi chand, M. Sasamka Devika, G. Akhila, “Superior Safety System Vessels by Using Arduino UNO” published in International Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR): ISSN:2349-5162, Scopus journal
✦ Md.Tanveer Ahamad, I Srikanth, P Kumar Raj, S.Ravichand “Implementation OfHospital Alerting System And Virtual Driving Using Arduino” in © 2019 IJRAR February 2019, Volume 6, Issue 1,E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138.
✦ S.Ravi chand, Dr.M.Sailaja, Dr.T.Madhu, „Fault Tolerant Multicore Architecture with Hardware Reconfigurable Unit‟ published in SYLWAN JOURNAL (SCIE) Poland, Vol. 161, Issue. 8, 2017 ISSN: 0039-7660, impact factor :0.263 2018
✦ S.Ravi Chand K. R Rao Presented a paper titled, “A Modernistic Approach to Design Fault Tolerant Circuit Using LFSR with Low Power Dissipation” in International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering, Management, Science and Technologies (ICEEMST-2018) on 03 / 03 / 2018 Sai Prakasam Group of Institutions, Ongole.
✦ S.Ravi chand, Dr.M.Sailaja, Dr.T.Madhu, “SRAM based Fault Tolerant Technique for Detection of Transient Errors in Processors through Pass Transistor Logic” published in International Journal of Computer Applications (IJCA) USA, October 2017 , IJCA, Volume 176 – No.3- ISSN: 0975 – 8887
✦ S.Ravi chand, Dr. M.Sailaja, Dr.T.Madhu, „Design and Analysis of Transient Fault Tolerance in SRAM with different NT Techniques‟ IJCA, USA, October 2016,Volume 151 – No.3, ISSN: 0975 – 8887
✦ S.Ravi chand, K.V.Ganesh, M.Sailaja „On-Chip Generation of Accumulator Based 3- Weighted Test Pattern Generation for Synchronous VLSI Circuits‟ IJAER, SCOPUS Indexed ,Vol. 10 No.1 2015, ISSN 0973-4562, page 700-704 online ISSN 1087-1090.
✦ S.Ravi Chand K. Rudra Rao Published a paper titled, “A Modernistic Approach to Design Fault Tolerant Circuit Using LP-LFSR with Low Power Dissipation” International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering ISSN: 2348 – 8549 - Special Issue- March 2017
✦ S.Ravi chand, Dr.M.Sailaja, Dr.T.Madhu, “Fault Diagnosis For Using Tpg Low Power Dissipation And High Fault Coverage”, IEEE Conference Publications Pages: 1 - 5, DOI: 10.1109/ICCIC.2010.5705884, 978-1-4244-5967-4/10/$26.00 ©2010 IEEE
✦ S.Ravi Chand K. Rudra Rao Presented a paper titled, “A Modernistic Approach to Design Fault Tolerant Circuit Using LP-LFSR with Low Power Dissipation” in International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering, Management, Science and Technologies (ICEEMST-2017) on 03 / 03 / 2017 RISE Krishna Sai Prakasam Group of Institutions, Ongole.
✦ S.Ravi chand, Dr.M Sailaja, Dr.T.Madhu, “A BIST Scheme for Low Energy Testing Using a Multiple Single Input Change Vector (SICV) in a Test Pattern Generation” IJSRM, Volume -04, Issue – 2 , 2016, ISSN (e): 23281-3418
✦ S. Ravichand, T. Madhu, M. Sailaja “A Self-Repairing Digital System with High- Quality Scalability and Fault Coverage” International Journal of Emerging Research in Management &Technology ISSN: 2278-9359 (Volume-6, Issue-8)
✦ G.Lashmi Prasanna, S.Ravi Chand and Dr.T.Madhu published paper “Implementation of RISC based 2D-DWT architecture for image compression” in IJETCSE volume-23 Issue-5 September 2016
✦ G.Lakshmi Prasanna, S.Ravichand and Dr.T.Madhu “High Performance RISC based 2D- DWT Architecture Implementation for JPEG2000” in IJCA Journal, Issue-11, November 2016
✦ S.Ravichand, K.V.Ganesh, M.Sailaja “on chip generation of accumulator based 3- weightead test pattern generation for synchronous VLSI circuits” presented in “IEEE sponsored 9th International conference on Intelligent Systems & Control (ISCO) 2015, on 10-11th Jan 2015 at Karpagam Engineering College, Tamilnadu.
✦ S.Ravichand, T.Gopal Krishna“A novel BIST scheme for low energy testing using a multiple single input charge vector (SICV) in a test pattern generation” in International conference in Eng tech ICAET-2015 on 28-03-2015 at Jaya Eng college-Chennai.
✦ S.Ravichand, S.Durga Babu, A.Chaitanya “Fault tolerant circuit using LP-LFSR with low power dissipation analysis in ICACI-2015 on 05-04-2015 at Jawahar Engineering College, Saligramam, Chennai.
✦ Vadapalli Srinivas, S.Ravichand, T.Gopal Krishna presented a paper entitled “A BIST scheme for low energy testing using multiple single input change vector (MSICV)” in a TPG published in IJETCSE vol-13 issue 4- March 2015 ISSN:0976-1353 page 60-63.
✦ S.Ravi chand, V.Srinivas, Dr.M Sailaja, Dr.T.Madhu, “A BIST Design For Self Testable And Cost Efficient Single Port Ram Based FFT Processor”, Proceedings of the Multi- Conference 2011: 2nd (ICSSA 2011) & 1st International Conference on Intelligent Systems & Data Processing (ICISD 2011). Universal-Publishers Boca Raton, Florida USA 2011 ISBN: 978-1-6123-3002-0
✦ V.Srinivas, S.Ravi chand, Dr. Ch. Santhi Rani Dr.T.Madhu, “Model Based Speech Enhancement And Coding”, in IJTET, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research 1087-1090 Volume 6, Number 18 (2011) Special Issues pp. 2568-2572
✦ S.Ravichand, M. Sailaja, G.Bharathi, presented a paper titled “Design of a low power 8 bit ALU” on 21 to 13 April 2010 held at Dayanand Sagar institutions, Bangalore.
✦ V.Srinivasa rao, Dr P.Rajesh Kumar, G.V.H.Prasad, M.Prema Kumar, S.Ravichand, “Discrete Cosine Transform Vs Discrete Wavelet Transform: An Objective Comparison of Image Compression Techniques for JPEG Encoder,” Published in International Journal of Advanced Engineering and application, Jan 2010
✦ M.V.Ganeswar Rao, S. Ravi chand, T.Madhu, P.Ravikumar, presented a paper on “Design of Low Power Processor Embedded core using VHDL” in the National conference on 11th and 2th February 2007 held at St Joseph engineering college, Ketty, Tamil Nadu.