At NNRGI we have a well established system of ensuring a smooth transition from class room to the work place. Our system provides Opportunities for student aspirations across various sectors of the industry. At NNRGI, students can confidently hope to enter the corporate world in sectors and positions in line with their capabilities. Environment of opportunities for the students is a result of a well structured interface with the corporate. To enable the students to make the best of the opportunities we provide, students are put through rigorous corporate readiness programs which run concurrent to their academic programs. These comprise of Industry visits, mentorship activity, field research work, corporate interface and faculty monitored corporate internship programs.
On behalf of NNRGI, we cordially invite you and your venerated organization to participate in the University Relation Programs and Campus Recruitment Process.
Looking forward to a mutually rewarding and everlasting relationship.
Do revert for any query or suggestions at :
To be a stimulating place to learn and practice technology and to become a leading college of engineering nationally and internationally recognized for its outstanding education, research and outreach programs.
To foster the inbuilt qualities of the students to face the challenges of the new millennium.
To provide opportunities to explore and experiment innovative ideas.
Our Goals & Objectives
To facilitate 100% placement.
To impart leadership skills.
To provide employability skills to all the students to match the expectations of the corporate world.
To plan and implement Integrated Personality Development Programmes including Campus Recruitment Training starting from First Year B.Tech.
To arrange lectures / seminars / interactive sessions by Technical & HR experts of top organizations.
NNRG extends all possible support to its students to acquire confidence, leadership skill, managerial skill, communication skill etc through comprehensive training and development programmes. Management & Industry experts, career counselor and other professional lend there valuable advice to the students to choose the track best suited for each individual. The students are also introduced to alternative career options, such as Civil Services, Higher Education in the country and abroad and Entrepreneurship, etc.
NNRG strongly believes that academic excellence alone within the four walls of the campus, is not sufficient to achieve the goal of successful career. Technical education, in true sense, becomes meaningful when it finds application in industry in particular and for the benefits of the society in general. Industry training is therefore , an integral part of all programmes of NNRG which is conducted in the following manner to bring to the students a plethora of opportunism.
NNRG, at regular intervals, invites eminent and experienced professional from reputed industrial houses to interact directly with the aspiring students. The students, thus, come to know about the requirement of the present industries and opportunities offered by them.
Students in small batches are sent to various industries and corporate offices during vacations. During this training they get first hand experience about various intricacies of the corporate world.
NNRG extends its cooperation to the outgoing students, at the most critical point in the career path, for suitable placement in the industries as it is considered as one of the prime responsibilities of the management.
NNRG is having a full fledged training & Placement Cell in the college to facilitate various activities of the Training & Placement. It is headed by a Professor and he is assisted by placement coordinators of all the departments. The training & Placement cell works round the clock to interact with the industries and look for best placement opportunities for our students.
S.No | Year | Activities |
1 | In 1st Year |
2 | In 2nd Year |
3 | In 3rd Year |
4 | In 4th Year |
5 | Awareness Programs and Coaching |
S.No | Training Programs and Facilities |
1 | Personality development camps |
2 | Soft skills and Employability workshops |
3 | Mock written tests, Group discussions interviews |
4 | Foreign languages training |
5 | GATE, CAT, GMAT, TOEFL, GRE, IELTS & IES coaching |
6 | Industrial visits & tours |
7 | Advance communication skills lab |
8 | Group discussion and Interviews rooms |