

Dear Student,

As Part of the Department's effort to provide the most effective and relevant degree programs, we would like to hear your perspective on a number of topics. While completing this survey, please try to consider your overall experiences, rather than focusing up on a single aspect. There is no right or wrong answer to any of these questions so the first response that comes to mind is likely also the best response. We thank you for your help in this process and we wish you success and fulfilment in your future endeavours. If you have any concerns/suggestions about the PROGRAM EXIT SURVEY.



Please select the option that best describes your opinion with regard to the following statements

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1 An ability to apply knowledge of computing and mathematics in Computer Science & Engineering.
2 An ability to analyze a problem, identify and define the computing requirements appropriate for engineering applications
3 An ability to design and implement software applications to meet specified needs by considering societal, environmental, public, health and safety aspects.
4 An ability to conduct investigations, interpret data and provide conclusions to complex problems related to computer science & engineering.
5 Ability to model complex engineering problems and find solutions using appropriate techniques and modern tools.
6 An ability to apply reasoning in assessing societal, safety and legal issues related to engineering practice.
7 An ability to understand contemporary issues related to society and environmental context for sustainable development of engineering solutions.
8 Apply professional, ethical and security issues related to engineering practice.
9 An ability to perform effectively as an individual and as a member/ leader in/for a group with the capacity to accomplish a goal.
10 An ability to communicate effectively on complex engineering activities and also to generate reports and documentation.
11 An ability to demonstrate knowledge on project management principles and entrepreneurship skills.
12 An ability to engage in continuing professional development and life-long learning
13 Ability to analyze and develop computer programming skills towards development of innovative applications.
14 Ability to apply standard practices and strategies in software project development using software tools to excel as an entrepreneur.