
Parent Feedback Cum Suggestions



1: Unsatisfactory   2: Poor   3: Moderate   4: Good   5: Excellent

Please rate each feature and select appropriate number box according to the following response scheme.

SNo Content 1 2 3 4 5
1 The quality of infrastructure facilities namely laboratories, class rooms.
2 Teaching-Learning process.
3 Industry exposure and technical skills achieved through industrial visits
4 Encouragement to students for Participation in Co-curricular and Extra-curricular activities.
5 Workshops, Seminars, Conferences aided the professional development of student (your ward).
6 Support systems like Student Mentoring ,Elite-Gathering, Training and Placement etc.
7 Learning resources such as Library, Internet and Journals etc
8 Constant communication about your ward academic performance report, discipline and attendance.
9 Support for the improvement of communication skills of your ward.
10 Approachability of the Institution authorities for queries/information.